How to…

Well.. You gave a look to the charts displayed on this site . Now, let’s read them in the best way.
Beating the market ? Impossible ? Not impossible , but difficult .
We don’t try to beat markets . We follow them .
To take advantage from recurring market phases (remember: markets don’t repeate, humans do) ,we must adopt a strategy that fits with current mood . Which is the best depends on current market phase , as explained (see homepage).
There is not a best strategy ever .
But the worst one is forget market and stand still : long term is built time by time .
Time itself must become your friend , not your enemy . Instruments have to be passive respect to their benchmark (the reason are costs , and not only), strategy instead must be active . Having active instruments (that rarely beat the markets) and a passive strategy , in my opinion , is not the path to satisfaction . At least not yours .
Before continuing , please read carefully next paragraph .
Always consider that any strategy tries to find the best probabilities on a human behavioural base . 
Humans do change their minds .Certainty doesn’t exist . Our effort is not to reach it , but only discover and follow markets trends , avoiding common mistakes and misunderstandings . Events can change moods : the most impredictable they are , the most trends would be difficult to be revealed .
Future is unknown, can’t be anticipated : the knowledge of present must supply .
When a performance is displayed , there is no guarantee that it will be repeated . Also see site’s disclaimer .
Now ,let's start to explain strategies


Past strategies performances are never a guarantee that will repeate in the future .To follow their development , please read below :

Long-Short Strategy : see related page . The weekly list of securities lays on the bottom of the page ; we can send on request detailed operations , since inception . Dividends are not comprised in performance calculations. Alpha Strategy : 7 groups of securities and their benchmark are showed on related page ; trends and results are updated daily . Futures Strategy : every day we select an asset to go long and another to shorten : positions start at opening price of following day , and close at end-of-day prices . Average positions result modify then performance. See related page . Selection strategy : the stocks are selected at the end of previous week (table : start week) and their trend is updated daily ( table : ongoing week) . Average performance is finally calculated for selection and benchmark too. Ema’s strategy : as related page show , when assets enter bullish or bearish phase , green and red arrows point out the intervention day and levels . System goes long in former phases , short in latter ones . Risk strategy : consists in going long or short on a basket of risky and volatile Etfs .

How to read charts and tables

read : EMAs page

EMAs strategy is based on Exponential Moving Average formulas , modified in our algorithms.
For each asset , you can see two charts : the left one diplays the asset prices and two modified EMAs ; the right one shows again asset prices , but has a lower line which tracks the difference between faster Ema and slower Ema (less days to calculate EMAs, faster the average) . When lower line crosses the value of 0 (zero) from below , the asset enter a bullish phase ; the opposite happens when crossing is from above .
Close to price lines , in some charts you’ll find red and green arrows , to report the day of crossing , for an easier understanding . To see related page, click here
>> HOW TO USE Weighted Alpha modified .
Read related page .

We choose a benchmark containing some assets .
Following the modified formulas , the algorithm makes a selection of those assets who reported , in the previous week , the best performance related to benchmark .
In a bullish phase , those asset will tend to overperformace again in the coming week ; the goal is : selected assets perform better than benchmark .
>> HOW TO USE Long-Short strategy .
See related page.

This strategy , like the previous one , tries to select the best awaited performers in a group/area/sector : the selection is based on market signals picked up by an algorithm . Each asset has two reference prices : actual , the closing on last Friday ; stop-loss price , the level that , if reached, points to a reverse in price action .
For example , if a stock closed at 100$ and stop-loss is 90$ , the latter is the price where actual bullish phase could reverse . If stop-loss is 110$ , crossing this level would be a bullish signal . Stop-losses are updated and , if in the case ,modified on a weekly base .

The strategy has an index as benchmark , monitoring its prices ; when it enters a bearish phase , touching its stop-loss level , a short position is opened . Shorts are only on index : longs only on single assets .
Total position can range from a 100% long position in bullish times , to 50% cash and 50% short position in bearish environments . On related page , you can see current composition .

>>HOW TO USE Selection Strategy .
See related page clicking here